Adiba Agbu: Why I love engineering

A woman in an orange high-visibility jacket and white hard hat smiles as she looks up from her computer.

21 October 2015

Author: Adiba Abu


Adiba Abu, age 24, is a Control and Instrument engineer at QEPrize donor company GSK. She studied Mechatronics at the University of Sheffield and then Global Product Development and Management at Cranfield University. We asked Adiba to share why she loves engineering.

I became an engineer because my favourite subject at school was Mathematics and I love problem-solving! I love engineering because it involves the use of technology to solve real-world problems. I love the consistency and structure that comes with engineering. The well-defined systematic approach to problem-solving ensures that all options are explored for a given problem and the best solution is found. My goal is to get involved in tasks that will help me develop my knowledge and skills in automation. Eventually, I would like to take up a managerial role in which I can make strategic decisions which would be beneficial to the company based on my acquired experience.

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More on the author, Adiba Abu

Adiba Abu, is a Control and Instrument engineer at GSK. She studied Mechatronics at the University of Sheffield and then Global Product Development and Management at Cranfield University.

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