06 Nov 2015
On 26th October 2015, Dr Robert Langer was presented with the 2015 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering by Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace.
28 Oct 2015
On Monday 26th October we released a report on perceptions of engineering across the world. Here are some key points from 'Solving the world's problems'.
27 Oct 2015
The day started with a reception for the QEPrize Engineering Ambassadors at the Royal Academy of Engineering
23 Oct 2015
This year’s trophy has been produced by QEPrize donor company BAE Systems using a process called Additive Manufacturing, or 3D-printing.
19 Oct 2015
On Monday 26th October, QEPrize 2015 winner Dr Robert Langer will be presented with his trophy by the queen at Buckingham Palace
12 Oct 2015
In two weeks’ time, Dr Robert Langer will be presented with the 2015 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering for his pioneering work to engineer polymers
10 Sept 2015
Celebrating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s contribution to and involvement with engineeringThe only reigning monarch most Britons have ever known, Queen…
21 May 2015
Don't take a job that pays a lot of money, take a job where you are doing something you love.
12 May 2015
Dr Robert Langer, winner of the 2015 QEPrize for engineering, shares a few interesting facts with us.